Infographics -Application example of a MIRUC product
Chip surface inspection device by rack & pinion type stage
Using long stage to mark height variation
Press fit height inspection jig by multifunction feeding screw type stage
Bond testing improvement with semi-order thin type XY stage
Rotation accuracy measurement jig using two axis (XY) stage
Movement checking jig with a tilt and turning stage
Prevent the overlapping of parts by using Z-axis stage
UV bonding jig equipped with a Z-axis stage
Lens embedding operations
Food shape sorting operation using air pits (vacuum tweezers)
Sequential assembly operation of pearls using air pits
Pin shape inspection of thumbtacks using an inspection microscope with built-in ocular micrometer
Burr inspection operation of rubber products using an inspection microscope
Metal fragment detection with an inspection microscope
Tip shape inspection jig with rotary stage and X-axis stage
Aperture height inspection jig using multifunction feed screw type stage
Improvement of adhessive application jig using a XY/rotary (composite) stage
The telecentric lens for measuring hole diameters
Thermography inspection improvement using three-axis (XYZ) stage
Air pit vacuum tweezers to improve mirror embedding
Improvement of shaft packing using vacuum tweezers
Crack inspection improvement of equipment with inspection microscope
Accuracy of pin tip angle inspection
Label attaching position inspection by inspection microscope & ocular microscope
Improve visual inspections using the thin-type XY rotary stage
Rubber band inspection jig optimization
Cell examination using the WiFi eyepiece camera
Using the USB eyepiece camera for product inspection
Semi-order stage for deep hole inspection